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Sunday, November 12, 2006

iTech i35 vs Jabra JX10

My quest for all things small and Bluetooth has led to the purchase of these 2 little bewdies..the iTech i35 and the Jabra JX10.

The Jabra has become my latest BT headset..and by far the most expensive. Picked this up back in March whilst on honeymoon in HK. Great design..funky option ear loop and a kick ass designer stand (see next picture). Moderate usage of around 20 mins a day comfortably yields a charging cycle of 4 days. It's incredibly light at 10g and less than 4cm in length.
So far, it's preventing me from buying another headset..well almost! I though I lost the Jabra, so I bought a replacement Plantronics D640 discovery..then found the Jabra now I have 2 BT headsets! Sigh...Stay tuned for another review on the Plantronics!

The iTech i35 is a brillant stereo BT headset...if you have A2DP profile that is..:) Works wonderfully on my Dopod 838pro. ..10m range (despite what the guide says about 1m range as a maximum) but only line of sight...go round a corner and the connection drops!

I ended up bartering this for a lawnmower..:))


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