The gadget chronicles of the Fongster

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Friday, April 08, 2005

HBH660...coming soon!

Argh, was going to get my new Sony Ericsson HBH660 bluetooth headset after work ...even told the mobile dealer to charge it up for me so by the time I go collect it, it's ready for action. But...stayed back late at work till after 6pm and mobile shop's I'll only get my hands on it this monday. Sigh! Was planning to use it over the weekend to roadtest as my project is implementing this weekend and there's a good amount of yakking on the phone to co-ordinate I could really roadtest the HBH660..can't do that now! Such is life!

After the HBH660 headset, I really have to stop buying gadgets for a while..I think I already qualify as a gadgetholic!


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